Variables are declared with the var keyword. JavaScript is dynamically typed so every variable can hold a value of any data type.

Variables can be declared without an initial value.

Some example declarations:

var foo;
var bar = 42;
var foo, bar, baz;
var foo = 42,
    bar = 'baz',

Variables that don't explicitly get assigned an initial value have the value undefined.


Since ES2015, let and const can be used in addition to var. We will learn how they differ from var later. For now, lets have a look how const differs from var or let: const can be assigned a value only once (constant).
Reassigning a value will either throw an error (in strict mode, see below) or is silently ignored:

const foo = 42;
foo = 21; // error or ignored

consts must be initialized with a value:

const foo; // error
foo = 42;

Variable names

Valid characters for variable names include a wide range of unicode characters. However, the name must start with a letter, _ or $. Not doing so will result in a syntax error.


var π = 3.141;
var _foo = π;
var 0_bar = '...'; // Syntax error

Variable access

Trying to read an undeclared variable results in a runtime error:

var foo;
console.log(bar); // ReferenceError: bar is not defined.

However, writing to an undeclared variable is valid by default. It will create an implicit global variable and should thus be avoided:

function foo() {
    bar = 42;
console.log(bar); // no error

If code runs in strict mode, assigning to an undeclared variable throws an error.

Strict mode

Strict mode is a mode of evaluating JavaScript that enforces stricter rules. It was introduced to "deprecate" certain patterns/behaviors that are considered bad or confusing.

Strict mode can be enabled for a JavaScript or a function by putting

'use strict';

at the beginning of it.

JavaScript has 6 data types. Five of those are so called primitive data types:

  • Boolean
  • Number
  • String
  • Null
  • Undefined

Everything else that is not a value of one of the above types is an

  • Object

As we will see in the following slides, objects belong to different kinds of "classes" of objects.


ES2015 introduces a 6th primitive data type: [Symbol][]. Symbols are unique and immutable values.